Our process makes your project simple

From Concept to Creation


Discovery Phase

Establish a foundational understanding of the client's needs and market environment.


Logo Design (if purchased)

Create a distinctive and relevant logo that aligns with the client’s brand values and market position.


Brand Identity (if purchased)

Expand the logo into a comprehensive brand identity system that includes all necessary visual and verbal components.


Website Design and Development (if purchased)

Build a functional and visually appealing website that is consistent with the brand’s newly established identity.


Feedback Loops & Quality Assurance (all projects)

Throughout each phase, regular updates and discussions with the client ensure that the project remains aligned with their expectations and adjustments are made as necessary.


Project Completion

Emphasising quality assurance at each step guarantees that the final deliverables meet the highest standards of excellence and effectively represent the client’s brand.

Discovery Phase

This phase begins with an initial consultation to capture the client’s vision, goals, and expectations. It is crucial to thoroughly understand their business context and the target audience they aim to reach. The agency conducts detailed market research to analyse competitors and industry trends, ensuring the creative direction is informed and strategically sound. A comprehensive project brief is then drafted and refined in collaboration with the client to set a clear direction for the project.

Website Design and Development

The website's strategy is crafted to reflect the brand identity with a focus on user experience and business objectives. Wireframes are created to layout the structure, followed by design mockups that integrate the visual identity. After client review and approval of the designs, the development phase begins, translating designs into a functional website. Rigorous testing ensures compatibility and performance across all devices and platforms. The process concludes with the website launch, followed by ongoing monitoring for performance optimisation and final sign-off from the client.

Logo Design

The process starts internally with a brainstorming session where creative ideas are freely generated. This leads to the development of several logo concepts, from which the best are chosen for refinement. These concepts are presented to the client, allowing them to provide feedback and select the direction that best fits their vision. After refining the design based on client input, final approval is sought to ensure the logo perfectly represents the brand.

Client Revisions

After each major phase (logo design, brand identity, and website development), a structured review session is conducted. During these sessions, clients provide their feedback, which is crucial for refining the concepts and ensuring the outcomes align perfectly with their expectations. This step is essential for iterating on designs and strategies, ensuring every element of the brand and digital presence is polished and effective.

Brand Identity

This step involves internal brainstorming to ideate on extending the logo into a full suite of branding elements, such as color palettes, typography, and other graphic elements. A cohesive brand identity is designed and then presented to the client. Feedback is incorporated to refine the identity, ensuring it communicates the brand effectively across all platforms. The creation of detailed brand guidelines helps maintain consistency in the brand's application, culminating in final client approval.

Project Completion

Upon final approval of all project deliverables, the agency orchestrates a formal project completion session. This milestone is marked by delivering all final assets to the client, including digital files, brand guidelines, and access credentials for digital platforms as applicable. A discussion of post-launch services and support is included, offering maintenance and future updates if required.

Brands we’ve worked with